The Magical Christmas Journey Aboard Verde Canyon Railroad is a tradition for many living in Sedona. Trains will depart on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. from December 3rd through December 24th. This event is wildly popular and will sell out fast. Be sure to purchase your tickets well in advance. The cost to ride Kriss Kringle Class through December 23rd is $50 for adults aged 11 and over, $40 for kids age 10 and under, or $60 for an adult with an infant who is under one-year-old. Costs rise by $10 each ticket for the ride on December 24th.
You can also book a trip on the Big Red Sleigh. This experience is designed for a party of six or fewer passengers who would like to travel in Santa’s private sleigh. Oversized chairs, large picture windows, and a private outdoor platform are part of this package. The cost is $400 through December 23rd and $500 on December 24th.
Sedona Property Owners Experience the Magic of Christmas
This experience is much more than a train ride. It all begins at the station, where guests are greeted with festive lighting and decor. Princess Noel and Flurry the bald eagle will greet children, who can then experience Bird’s Eye Village. Children can wear eagle wings while exploring a miniature village. During the train ride, passengers enjoy elaborately decorated train cars. The train pushes through the darkness until it reaches the North Pole and Santa’s Village.
At the North Pole, goofy elves, Mrs. Claus, and Santa Claus greet the train. Santa will hop aboard for the return trip, visiting children and presenting them with a gift so that they can remember their experience when they return to their Sedona property. Food and drink is available for purchase both at the depot and on the train. Everyone living in Sedona is invited to read more about The Magical Christmas Journey and book tickets online.